Outdoor Electrical Safety Tips

Outdoor Electrical Safety Tips: 

Don’t fly kites, drones or motorized airplanes near power lines. 

Kites usually use cotton string, but damp cotton string can conduct electricity almost as well as a metal string/wire. 

When using a ladder, avoid power lines. 

Keep your ladder far enough away from power lines that if the ladder were to fall, it will not put you into the power lines. 

Do not intentionally damage insulators on utility poles. 

Insulators prevent electricity from traveling down the poles, so if one is damaged, anyone coming in contact with the pole could be injured or killed. 

Ensure that outdoor electrical items are properly rated.  

Outlets, lighting fixtures and bulbs should be weatherproof and protected by GFCI breakers (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter). 

When digging underground, always call 811 first.

Trained personnel will locate and mark the underground facilities for you. This will prevent you from making a potentially fatal mistake when digging. 

Use proper safety equipment when using outdoor power tools. 

When using outdoor electrical tools such as hedge trimmers or edgers, never go barefoot. Wear sturdy, rubber-soled shoes. 

Hire professionals for limb-cutting that is close to power lines.

Limbs falling into power lines can cause power outages and pose a danger to you and others. Leave that to the professionals.  

When planting trees, research the species to ensure it has enough room to grow. 

If a tree is too close to your power lines, please report it to Excelsior EMC. Right of Way tree trimming will work to prevent this issue. 

Do not operate equipment too close to powerlines. 

Maintain a 10 foot radius from power lines when using tractors, excavators and other equipment.  

Do not cause damage to the yellow protective shields over guy wires. 

These wires are not energized but if they are not properly grounded, they can actually conduct electricity. If the yellow shield isn’t in place, it can make it harder to see and pose a risk to pedestrians, bike riders and others.